Joshua Farragher



Dr Josh Farragher (PhD) is an APA Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist at Melbourne Orthopaedic Group Sports Medicine. Josh has a clinical and research interest in spinal-related conditions and works closely with Associate Professor Aaron Buckland managing patients after spinal surgery.

Josh has over 10 years of experience working particularly with patients with back and neck pain. In particular, Josh’s research focusses on the behaviours and biomechanics associated with disability in people with back pain and developing innovative exercise-based rehabilitation approaches to improve patient’s quality of life. Josh has also taught physiotherapy students at Melbourne and La Trobe University and lectures at healthcare and physiotherapy conferences around the world.

  • Graduated with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy from Monash University in 2012
  • Completed a Graduate Certificate and Masters in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy at La Trobe University in 2015 & 2016
  • Completed a PhD at the University of Melbourne in 2021
  • APA Musculoskeletal and Research Physiotherapist