Paula Christofakakis
Sports Dietitian
Paula is an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) and Sports Dietitian who aims to assist clients to improve their overall health through education and lifestyle choices. Paula believes in the importance of maintaining a healthy relationship with food, helping her clients to focus on altering eating behaviours through mindful eating. Paula has both clinical experience in private practice and has also been involved with elite athletes including VFL club Sandringham Zebras.
Paula has particular interests in:
- Sports Nutrition (Body Composition ISAK- skinfolds)
- Weight Management
- Food Intolerances and Allergies (FODMAP)
- Eating Disorders
- Gastrointestinal Disorders
- Cardiovascular Conditions
- Diabetes Management
- Vegan/Vegetarian Diets
No referral necessary. Medicare Chronic Management Care Plans (formerly EPC) are welcome and private health rebates may apply.